
Select Tool

One of the most used tools is the select tool. It’s purpose is, as the name suggest, to select one or multiple shapes on the board, but also to move. It can be accessed in the toolbar on the bottom right of the screen by all players, but behaves differently, depending on the active mode.

Additionally when in build mode, it also allows you to rotate and resize shapes.

Selecting basics

You can click on a singular shape, or drag a box around a group so that you can move them all together.

To add shapes to an existing selection, hold down Ctrl and select new shapes.

To deselect the shapes you can simply click in an empty spot on the board or use the keyboard shortcut d.

When doing a group select, only shapes you actually own will be selected. This in contrast to the normal click behaviour that can also select non-owned shapes.


You can move your selection by simply dragging it along the map.

The DM may have defined objects to be impassable (e.g. a wall). These will stop movement. The DM and all Co-DMs have the possibility to ignore movement constraints while pressing the shift key.

Activating the show ruler toggle above the select tool button in the toolbar, dragging an object will also show a ruler measuring the distance moved. This ruler works like the independent ruler tool and will also share its settings.


To resize a shape you must be in ‘build’ mode

Resizing is done by simply grabbing one of the corners of the shape and dragging them to another place. Most resize operations only affect the corner dragged, leaving all other corners in place.

The only current exception to this are circles, who instead increase/decrease the radius on resize. This behaviour might change in the future.


To rotate a shape you must be in ‘build’ mode

A special rotation UI is visible in build mode that shows an anchor point and a box.

When you move the anchor, you rotate the entire box around its center point.

Rotating shapes is not limited to singular shapes, but can allso be applied on an entire group. Do remember that the center of the box will be used as the rotation point.

Rotating also has snapping behaviour to common angles (multiples of 45 degrees).

Selection order

Shapes on the board are drawn in a certain order that decides which shape should be selected in case of overlap.

You can change the order by right clicking on a shape and moving it to the back or the front of the stack.